Young Breast Cancer Survivor Study

If you are a woman living in the United States who was diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 50 years any time in the past 10 years, you may be eligible to participate.

Participation in the study consists of completing online questionnaires related to diet, lifestyle, mental wellness, and breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Study Background

  • While breast cancer diagnosed younger than age 50 is a relatively rare disease, the rate of new cancer cases and death rates in this age group have been increasing recently.
  • Screening guidelines typically do not cover younger patients, so early-onset breast cancer patients are more likely to present at an advanced stage.
  • However, higher stage at diagnosis does not completely explain increasing mortality rates.
  • Thus, we are conducting a study to address the gaps in knowledge regarding the impact of diet, life experiences, cancer treatments, and comorbidities on quality of life faced by early-age-at-onset survivors.
  • Understanding what drives increased mortality rates, we will be better able to formulate plans of mitigation.


Participation in the study consists of completing online questionnaires related to diet, lifestyle, mental wellness, and breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.


If you are a woman living in the United States who was diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 50 years any time in the past 10 years, you may be eligible to participate.

Eligibility criteria includes:

  • Non-institutionalized, English-literate, female breast cancer survivors
  • Previous diagnosis of breast cancer within the past 10 years
  • Must have been younger than 50 years at the time of diagnosis

To determine eligibility, please fill out our Google form.

Next steps

If you are eligible for the study, you will be contacted by our study coordinator from the following email address: ybcss2contact@gmail.com

You will be provided a web link to complete the questionnaires related to lifestyle, mental wellness, and breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, and a separate web link and login information to complete the diet questionnaire.

At the end of the mental wellness questionnaire, you have the option to enter your email address to be entered to win a $50 electronic gift card. At the end of our study, you will be contacted by email if you have won.

Frequently Asked Questions

How old do I have to be to participate?

To qualify for this study, you can be any age. However, you must have been diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 50.

Can I withdraw from the study at any time?


If I withdraw from the study, can I still be entered into the raffle?

Yes, if you provide your email address at the end of the questionnaire but wish to withdraw, you may still be entered into the raffle.

How long will the survey take?

There will be 3 sets of online questionnaires. The lifestyle and breast cancer questionnaire will take around 20 minutes. The mental health and stress questionnaire will take around 30 minutes. The diet questionnaire will take around 45 minutes. In total, the whole study will take around 1.5 hours. You may stop at any time and save your results to come back and finish the questionnaires later.

How do I access the questionnaires?

Please fill out the google form under our “Participation” tab. ybcss2contact@gmail.com will follow up with your links to the online questionnaires.

Contact Information

Study Principal Investigator: Dr. Susan Steck


Study Coordinator: Ella Gustafson

ybcss2contact@gmail.com or ellabg@email.sc.edu